vendredi, avril 06, 2007


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Hackers United against the Threat of Islam


April 04, 2007, 2100Z

We, the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam to the Freedom of Thought and Peace are hereby declaring open war against the evils of Islam. The axis of evil must be stopped and destroyed. The United States of America is planning a demonstration of military force against the evil nation of Iran. As of the moment of this announcement, a Cyber War has been declared against Iran. We do this to assit the United States of America in their war against the evils of Islam.

The first operation in this war was the secretive Operation Screaming Eagle.
This has been an ongoing preparation for battle, mapping out critical Internet infrastructure to the Nation of Iran, as well as determining passwords, access codes and vulnerable attack vectors for gaining access to Iranian systems, including routers and servers. Many Iranian machines have backdoors installed, and many routers have been broken into had have had their login security mechanisms comprimised.

At dawn of April 06, 2007, the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam shall initiate the largest, multinational, coordinated attack against a nation's infrastructure ever witnessed. Hackers from the United States of America, Great Britain, Norway, France, Italy, Brazil, Germany and Russia will launch attacks against Iran's infrastructure, disabling all IP-based communication and facilitating attacks against their terrorist targets.

Islam must be stopped. And the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam are there to do the job.

Shout outs to everyone united against Islam. We stand together to face this
threat to humanity.
